Average, could use improvement
I thought it was good, this flash made me think a lot and I enjoyed taking the quiz. Some things could use some minor tweaking, however.
- You make it seem too easy to become a moderator. About .1% of people who take this quiz are really mods. So why make a button saying that you are one? 25% of the available choices are for less than .1? of the Newgrounds population.
- The music was good but I think an option to switch through songs would have been great. That one got kind of boring..
- Not enough questions, you really can't judge someone's ranking on Newgrounds with a small variety of predictable answers. It was good, but it could have been even better with questions such as the following
"What is your level"
"What is your posts per day?"
"What's your B/P rank?"
"How many posts do you have?"
"What's your longest topic?"
"What is the quality of your posts?"
"How many submissions do you have"
"Have you ever submitted a spam submission, on your account or an alt.?"
These factual questions would be more well suited to a calculation of their Newgrounds ability. The questions you asked were based highly on opinion, and leave out some other factors. For example, you ask "what is the quality of your posts?" One could have 5 posts but put quality in each. This would kind of jip the people such as gfoxcook who have over 11,000 quality posts.
A system in which the number of posts to the quality would be very good. Than again, I am being very picky here. These suggestion would be very hard to incorporate, maybe if you invest enough time you could make a sequal to this and include more questions, with a more evenly balanced calculation system.
Once again, it could be better. But the way it is now is good. Good job, and I hope to see a sequel some time in the future.